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We offer services all year long. Let us help you with your next project!

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Our environmentally conscious GONE GREEN division produces less than half the noise pollution of traditional gas mowers and produces no emissions.

What would make you REALLY love your yard? Could you use some shrubs, flowers, or ornamental beds? Let us help you love your yard!


Are you ready to enjoy your summer?Sit back, relax, and let us take care of the work! We offer lawn maintenance services to suit your specific needs. We'll do all of the mowing, trimming, and weeding!


Help keep the weeds in your ornamental beds at bay while beautifying your yard with long lasting stone, or with bark mulch that can break down and give nutrients to your soil.


One never knows how much snow we will get in any given season or how much snow we will get in one storm. Grass Hopper is here to keep you going with multiple plows. We have straight blades and V-plows to handle small driveways and larger lots.


Feeding the grass and keeping a thick green lawn helps keep crab grass and weeds under control. Keeping grubs and other pests out of your lawn not only helps your grass but keeps pests away from your house's foundation. 

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We have reliable electric sanders that carry both sand and salt mix for dirt driveways and lots and we also have straight salt for paved surfaces. Keep in mind that salt is cleaner with less to clean in the Spring both inside your house or business and outside on your drive or parking lot.


In the Fall we are happy to remove the leaves and dead vegetation from your yard. And after the harsh winter, let us pick up the sticks and leaves that blew back onto your yard and fluff out matted down grass to let it start to thrive for the new season. 


From time to time we have a winter with lots of snow. If the time comes when snow is getting too heavy for your buildings, Grass Hopper is ready with the tools to remove the snow and weight and give you peace of mind.


Got a project in mind? Do you need a new patio or better walkway? Let us help you with your next lawn improvement project!


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